Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore MBS, CCHMS
I'm a hyper and random little girl who gets mood swings real often.
In the dictionary, awesome means very impressive and I'm awesome. I'm very impressive.
Even more awesome;
I love SHINee! ♥
I hate cockroaches and lizards!
Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?
MacBook iPod touch 6 Joy'09 Class Outing 1 HM'10 aka Hyper Monsters Class Outing Outing with Serena Baby Top Five in 1 HM'10 Six Points for O Level Student Councillor *Under Probation
I GOT A NEW PHONE. SAMSUNG JET! YIPEEEEEEEEEE ~ On Sunday, my mum told me that we were going to Singtel and said that she was buying a phone for me. I didn't believe it because... it's like a dream? Anyway, my new phone is driving me CRAZY. I don't know how to transfer songs into it. I gotta download this and that. ARGH But never mind, I would learn. ;)
It's my wallpaper. XD Cool, eh? I think I'm obsessed with this series of pictures. ;) I'm crazy over them in just a day? LOL
Anyway, I feel happy yet sad today. Happy because... NOT GONNA TELL. But it's not about boys. Please. Sad because... NOT GONNA TELL TOO. Too embarrassing. :/ Everyone is so cold to me... Almost half the class? I don't know how I'm gonna survive for another 21 months. For your information, I'm changing classes in Sec 3. And I'm sort of looking forward to it. I used to love 1 HM'10. But I don't know why it has disappeared leaving no trace. :( I think someone is back-biting me... *opening goodie bag Mrs Tan gave me on the first lesson* :( Everyone hates me now. I know it. Zhongnuo is always calling me a bitch/ fucker (Sorry... It's a little vulgar.) I think I know why. I can't stand it already. I didn't even offend him. And he is sitting behind me and everyday I get insulted. It's horrible. And people, talk is not equal to flirt. I don't flirt with *ahem*. He asks me questions n what do you expect me to do? I don't talk about private stuff with him. ARGH I'm not going to survive in CCHMS.
I miss MBS... Especially the Agents of AAAC. I MISS AND LOVE THEM!!! -hugs Serena, Wanqing and Tin Yi- :D The feeling I got when we had the jumble sale... Went for Manga drawing, Hip Hop... It's getting so distant now. :( I try to remember the feeling but I can't. SOMETIMES. The feeling I got when I went for recess at our brand-new school compound. The feeling I got when I see my "brother". :x
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 8:23 PM
Saturday, March 27, 2010
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I HAVE SORTED OUT MY THOUGHTS. I realised that even if I'm sad/ emo, no one cares so I SHALL be happy. Think about it, why be sad when no one cares? I'm not a celebrity or what. NO ONE CARES! What I'm going do/ concentrate on is to get six points for O Levels and get into VJC. YAY Sorry Serena... I'm soooooooooo not going to RJC. I think I would feel very left out. Anyway... Almost four more years to go so... yeah. Talking about feeling left out, I get this feeling very often nowadays. :( I don't know why. Except for MH, I can't talk to any other people. Never mind, I know I gotta stay positive. Who is gonna help me pick myself up if I don't even have the determination? So... :D
Let me now talk about YOG and yesterday's Sports Meet. XD
YOG on Thursday:
Mark Chay sort of inspired me to do well in both my academics and sports. :D I realised that I had wasted thirteen years of my life. :( He broke a national record when he was like my age? But what have I done? What I do is to despise everything about me... and think that I can't and I won't do it. Perhaps everyone just thinks that it was a boring talk but... hmm. I SHALL WORK HARD. I was sort of pissed off when the GR people took all the refreshment and left none for me... >< They are supposed to be gracious because they were from the class, Grace. Lol. But I'm not going to harp on it. :) Walked around the learning centre. People fell in love with the guide's accent. == I think that's all.
Sports Meet... Yesterday:
Apparently, it rained. And we got a little wet. Because we weren't under proper shelter. What I can say is that the people from Ngee Ann, Dunman High and Temasek was fortunate. I hope they cherished that. Rain seeped into the... erm, I don't know what's that. But anyway, a few counsellors got wet. HAHA But thanks. You guys really... did your best to control us but it wasn't that successful though. MUAHAHA At the end of the Meet, some soccer team came and played. I don't know if people were cheering/ boo-ing because of them or the results. Our school didn't do that well. :(
Okay, I'm tired. Gonna listen to songs and relax then sleep. XD
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 10:08 PM
Monday, March 22, 2010
Definition of Trust: to believe that a person or thing is good, truthful or reliable; to let a person have or use something believing they will treat it well; to hope (verb) the belief that a person or thing can be trusted; responsibility; a legal arrangement in which money is entrusted to a person with instructions on how to use it (noun)
So now, what exactly is trust? Life is complicated. I must agree with that. Anyway, I'm sort of looking forward to tomorrow. ^^ I'm having CO! YAY On Thursday, I'm going for YOG and on Friday, I'm going to Bedok Stadium for the 4-schools meet. Zzz... Chung Cheng High (Main), Dunman High, Ngee An (Cousin's school. :)) and Temasek would be involved. I really want Chung Cheng to win the cheering competition. I don't want to be despised. Anyway... ARGH I hate life.
So... life sucks. AGAIN. I know. XD
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 8:57 PM
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Went to the National Museum today. Was BOREDBOREDBORED. Not even ONE HM-ians was there... But I saw some EP-ians. ^^ I saw Shing Ping with her friends. Felt a little left out and that was DUH. Was a little lost... Didn't really complete the worksheet because I was BORED. TOTALLY. Went in there and took some pictures. Maybe blogging later. For AAAC. :) Wanna see the pictures? Some are really blur because it was too dark inside. I just took some pictures for fun.
Done! Finally... I just randomly took some pictures. ^^ The Ching-Ching family just had an outing... So envious. LOL When is AAAC's? Okay, I'm quite done today...
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 10:28 PM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hey, people.
I don't see what's wrong with talking about him. YOU KNOW I DON'T MEAN TO SEEK ATTENTION. Okay, fine! I won't talk about him anymore. :( I thought my friends understood me but they proved to me that they didn't. I seriously don't know the feeling of having a crush so... ARGH I already clarified some many times but some people just don't get it. What do you want me to do? Fortunately, I made my blog private or else I don't know what crude remarks OTHER PEOPLE (Not my friends) would make because even my friends had hurt me.
Life sucks...
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 5:37 PM
Yo! I'm here again. :D Okay, Cristian told me about crushes... And, I'm SOOOOOOOOOO going to quote it...
Wait uh... Here you go!
um.. crushes arh.. happens at usually when a person is feeling down, or feels alone in a quiet environment or a place that he hardly passes by and meets his/her "true love". Love is defined as a feeling/crush on a certain person because that person has shown you too much care and concern as opposed to other people. Thus, misunderstanding it, u ... See Moretreat it as a love approach and sub-consciously, u expressed your feelings to him/her. Thats how love happens. Sometimes he/her might accept your confession and you 2 start ti date, But if he/her declines, not because he/her doesnt like you, but because you misrepresented his/her kindness. And sometimes, because of that, you 2 cant even remain as friends anymore.
He's telling me more on love, breaking up and reconciliations. LOL Now, it sounds a little creepy. I think I like puppy love the best. I never ever want it to go away... AHAHA Okay, I think I gotta clarify. I currently have NO crushes and I never had a crush before so Hannah Ong, please... stop that nonsense. If you continue to do so, I don't know what I would do. It's a mental torture, you know? When you have a crush of whatever, I bet I would tease you till you go crazy.
Okay, it's Friday already... March Holidays is coming to an end. :( PLS is gone and he wouldn't be back. Today is doubts-clearing day. The questions I don't know how to do for homework... Yeah, I would ask. I DESPERATELY NEED HELP FOR MATH!!! I really suck at it. I don't really know what the teacher is talking about. Well, most of the time. As I don't really pay attention. LOL I think I need a tutor. My mum has found one for me... But it's a HE. An old man, even. I don't want that. EWWWWWWWWWW ~ BLEH :P I don't understand what makes nth term ticks. I don't get why we have to learn Math. ARGH Seriously.
Tomorrow, gotta go to museum to complete a Hist worksheet. Zzz... What the hell. Hannah nearly scared me to death yesterday. She said we HAVE TO and we MUST go with a group. And I was planning to go alone tomorrow. I don't think any of my classmates is going tomorrow so... I nearly died from an heart attack. ^^ PHEW ~ Regine told me she went alone but she met some people there.
Okay... I think that's all for today. BYEEEEEEEEEE!
Currently addicted to reading Fiona's posts. :D
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 1:35 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I'm posting. AGAIN. :D
Socialinterview asked, "Would you be able to share a house or apartment with Tan Jia Jing?" I answered, "NO. HE IS A GUY. :)"
People commented and now there are 108 comments... o.O Cool, eh? It's my first time breaking a record.
What Cristian had said is TOTALLY TRUE. DUH He said he reads psychology books as he wants to be a psychiatrist.
14 to 17 is innocent love. Whr girls find their dating and marrying criterias. BOTH ARE DIFFERENT. And thats whr boys start to find the girl type they like. O and its also whr they gain experience in the love game, they are more pure in this love
AND. 17 to 20 is the more mature type. Both genders start to mature down, due to workload and other issues, the starting of planning to marriage. 21 to 28 is whr the serious dating start. Movie outings whr the 2 are alone, candle light dinner, blushes when some1 says the look so good together, secretive holding hands, thinking of marriage, etc etc
lolx ok... the 14 to 17 here. they will go out secretly, if some1 says their BF/GF is going out with someone else, they'll REALLY wan to kill the other third party. IF some1 whispers that Their B/GF is going out with them, cause their friends whisper then points at them, they'll deny flatly NO. then behind close doors, buys small gifts to say sorri to their B/GF. Then the boy would ask the girl to kiss him on the cheek and vice versa, when they say their angry with their lover, the B/GF apologises they soften so fast and they remember each others birthdae, the day they met, the day they first went out and things like that
Cheryl here again. Cool, right? I find it soooooooooo damn COOL!!! He knows so much on puppy love. ;) I didn't see the kiss... part when I commented. LOL But it's still very very very very very very very very very very cool... Oh my gosh, I can't stop liking it. Although what he said at first was really sick. :D
When would I have that kind of experience? Please, don't think that I'm so desperate. Especially Hannah. I feel more at ease blogging after making my blog private. At least I know some people won't trespass my blog. :)
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore 5:16 PM
Hello, people. Sorry for not blogging for such a longggggggggg time. But anyway, I'm back! LOL It's the March Holidays now... Had been really busy in Term One. I can't really believe Term One passed so quickly. But to be truthful, Term One had been horrible. :( I think I offended some people and now they are really cold towards me. Fortunately, people from 6 Joy'09 have been encouraging me and cheering me up. That makes me feel better. :) Okay, Hannah got his numberrrrrrrrrr!!! Thank you. :D And I plucked up all my courage to sms him but then, he didn't reply. :( I don't know what happened but please, just reply. Now, I'm gonna talk about NOW. The last few days was sort of boring...
Monday: Went to my grandma's house. BOREDBOREDBORED. I brought my laptop along but the Internet was working so... Actually, it's not my laptop. HAHA
Tuesday: Took bus to school for Financial Literacy Workshop. IT WAS FUN! Unlike how Yi Dan described it. LOL We played a game called Pinnale Town? We were supposed to get the citizenship. Before that, we gotta have a networth of $15,000. The first time I played... I was very confident. But I don't know why in the end, I got $8,000 only... Only after the workshop, I realised that investment is important. Saving won't help much but we still have to save for the rainy days. :) Next, after the Financial Literacy Workshop, Charlene, Ying Lin and I did our E Lit project. Carmen didn't come along because she was going out with her friends... But she promised to do the editing... Then, after the BORING E Lit project, Felix and I walked to Lucky Bread for bubble tea. He said he was going to treat me but I insisted on paying him. :D (P.S Sorry for talking about CCHMS, but... there isn't anything on 6 Joy'09 for me to talk about.) After a drink, we went back to school for CO Comm Election. That was stupid. Walking out to the bubble tea shop and then go back. LOL We walked for 17 minutes then we reached. We gossiped, of course, on the way. ;) Comm Election was BORINGBORINGBORING and COLDCOLDCOLD. I almost froze... It was very slow... 30 minutes for one candidate. Zzz... Nearly fell asleep. Yi Dan went off halfway through because she gotta go to Chinatown to get her air tickets... Talked to Senior Carrin and Felix. He sat behind me. Sometime later, Sean came. He is from LY. I started doing my Physics assessment then the Vice Chair came. I was terrified and slowly, I kept my books. But she didn't scold me. LOL Very soon after, the session ended. So Felix, Sean and I walked to the bus stop and took 135. There was this guy from JT, I think. He is also in CO. I sat sort of like beside him during the Election. He kept looking at us. Don't know why. Sean started talking how he likes HM and the Mao Family. Then, he grumbled that he should have chosen HCL. But then, Felix and I told him that he wouldn't get into HM anyway because people CHOOSING HCL would get into IT or JT. Then, the bus stopped at the MRT station and they alighted. I was alone... with that guy. But I didn't talk to him. DUH I don't even know him. He was sitting very far away anyway. ^^
Wednesday: Yesterday! Went to grandma's house and slept till 12? Oh my gosh, eh? I don't know why I was soooooooooo tired. Then played computer. Internet was okay already. Mum settled it. :) Logged into Facebook like what I always do. And MSN too. Sean started chatting with me on Facebook and I asked for his MSN. Because it was hard to talk on Facebook. Lai Yuen came talking too. :( Sean started talking about how the Mao Family (HM) rocks... blahblahblah. And Lai Yuen asked if I think he was sick and annoying. I said no but I regretted it. He called me an AVERAGE girl. :( And he said Li Hui is not average because she is unpredicatable and dangerous. That is why so many people likes her. Zzz... It's not that I'm jealous or something but... never mind. :)
Thursday: TODAY!!! Time flies. It's Thursday already. I'm at my grandma's house now... :( I made my blog private today. :) I invited all MBS-ians and I think only some HM-ians... Like Regine. :) BUSYBUSYBUSY. Busy chatting, editing blogskin... blahblahblah. When I'm bored, no one chats with me but when I'm busy, everyone comes talking. LOL Sorry to MBS-ians if you don't understand what I'm talking about... Haven't done anything today. So guilty... DM told us to cherish our holidays because MYE is coming but I... Now chatting with Fiona. Was chatting with Serena. Don't know if she is still online... Lazy to check. LOL I realised that I have so much in common with Fiona. She has this feeling... that I also have. It's just so common nowadays... :( People ignoring me? I MISS MBS! Cheryl Mao Mah shouts, "I DON'T WANNA BE AN AVERAGE GIRL. I WANNA BE LOVED!!!" LOL
Okay, I had promised to post pictures on Chalet. Which was like 2 months ago? Sorry... I was really busy. Because of tests... Oh yeah, I did my Physics assessment and realised that we have to count rest time to count the average speed. I wanted to complete my assessment till where Mr Lim had taught us till and I'm ALMOST done. One more book with three chapters to go. Gonna complete it today. IT'S A MUST! Because I gotta revise Math tomorrow... Yeah, in the test, there were like 2 questions on the rest... blahblahblah? I got it ALL wrong. Hope I get marks for my workings... :(
And I forgot, thanks Cindy Poh Poh (Cousin) for encouraging me! She said that I WOULD and I MUST get 6 points for O Levels. :) She said I can do it!!! YAY I'm really happy. :D To get into Victoria JC. DUH. Thanks. That really motivated me but... I hadn't really started yet. :P I realised, after PSLE, I had matured? I realised results is not EVERYTHING. I was once so competitive. But now, purely working hard for my O Levels, to make my late grandma proud. :) As in... I know it's complicated. I have 3 grandmas... 1 of them whom is my sort of god grandma... She was my mum's nanny when she was young. I love her loads! More than my biological grandma. I know who is nice to me. :) She is. I MISS HER! :(
Now, pictures of my naughty cousins...
Mischievous Yang Zhi closing the door, trapping the others. XD
Posing for me. LOL
Crybaby :x
爱美!自以为是公主!Also a crybaby. :x
SHE accused me of taking a picture of her... WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS? What the.
Okay, I think that's all. Hmm... I love The Illusionist. Yesterday was the last episode... :( I really love the theme song and OST. Next, I would present to you... The video!!! It's not the offical music video but I'm looking forward to it. :D
lolx ok... the 14 to 17 here. they will go out secretly, if some1 says their BF/GF is going out with someone else, they'll REALLY wan to kill the other third party. IF some1 whispers that Their B/GF is going out with them, cause their friends whisper then points at them, they'll deny flatly NO. then behind close doors, buys small gifts to say sorri to their B/GF. Then the boy would ask the girl to kiss him on the cheek and vice versa, when they say their angry with their lover, the B/GF apologises they soften so fast and they remember each others birthdae, the day they met, the day they first went out and things like that
Cheryl here again. Cool, right? I find it soooooooooo damn COOL!!! He knows so much on puppy love. ;) I didn't see the kiss... part when I commented. LOL But it's still very very very very very very very very very very cool... Oh my gosh, I can't stop liking it. Although what he said at first was really sick. :D
When would I have that kind of experience? Please, don't think that I'm so desperate. Especially Hannah. I feel more at ease blogging after making my blog private. At least I know some people won't trespass my blog. :)