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Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts


Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore


I'm a hyper and random little girl who gets mood swings real often.

In the dictionary, awesome means very impressive and I'm awesome. I'm very impressive.

Even more awesome;

I love SHINee! ♥

I hate cockroaches and lizards!

bold underlined strikethrough italic


1 E'04!
2 E'05!
3 Bravery'06!
4 Dilligence'07!
5 Integrity'08!
6 Joy'09!
Wanqing Poo(h)!
Serena Piglet aka Serena baby!
Tin Yi Tigger!

1 HM'10 aka Hyper Monsters!
Clique ♥
Hui Jiung!
Kek Ki!
Jia Hui 12!
Quek Xue!
Mei Hang!
Steads ♥
Shiau Yu!
Zhen Qi!
Si Rong!
Yun Qi!
Xin Wei!
Section 2 ♥
-to be updated-

SHINee ♥


Did I hear someone said "cheese" or "chocolate"?

iPod touch
6 Joy'09 Class Outing
1 HM'10 aka Hyper Monsters Class Outing
Outing with Serena Baby
Top Five in 1 HM'10
Six Points for O Level
Student Councillor *Under Probation



Meet the people I love♥

Li Xian
Quek Xue


Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011



Layout Designer:

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I HAD LOADS OF FUN THESE FEW DAYS!! The sad thing is, school is starting soon and I haven't edited my wrong answer for E Lit. Well, he is strange. He told me that he wanted to do Timothy Winters for the last question because he couldn't think of an answer for the Hunchback. I told him to go ahead and now he changed his mind. -.- WTH Oh well, I don't want to start my post with homework... :D Let me tell you guys what had happened these few days, okay? YAY :)

Wednesday - First day of CO camp:
I went for HS at Ngee Ann poly in the morning... That morning, he texted me and asked where I was but I didn't reply because I couldn't. He doesn't get it. I told him that I can't sms! == On the bus, I didn't see him. Never mind. :) I walked into the school and headed towords the Concourse, where we were supposed to assemble. I saw Regine, Jia Hui (12), Hui Jiung and Mei Hang!! :D I missed them! Hehe. I rushed towards them and quickly started a conversation. Then, when the bus came, we took the bus to Ngee Ann. It was freakingly far... At Clementi, I think. :P Upon reaching, we went to LT78 or something... I forgot. There wasn't any seats so we sat in the second row. Ahem, Regine sat beside him. I was like "Phew!"... Lol. I had wanted to seat at the side. -.- HS was okay but the last station was a little disgusting. We saw a video where a person was operated on. Oh yeah, before the trail started, there were refreshments. IT WAS DAMN DISGUSTING!! Well, not really... But I didn't like the carrot cake. It was like cubes of radish. -.- YUCKKK ~ People like Caroline and Hui Jiung liked it. O-O For Caroline's case, I think she was too hungry to think properly. She ate almost everyone's share, including mine. ;) The drink was okay but everyone said it tasted like medicine. Lol... I was eating the erm, fishball? at that time so I couldn't really taste it. The teacher said some people fainted because they didn't eat but I don't think so. Regine said it was because the last station was too disgusting. Haha. The games were fun, overall. :) When I reached the school, lunch time was ending so I decided not to eat. :P After lunch, we played games like Blow Wind Blow... Those boring ice breakers games. My group name was Six Brown Chairs. I know it's like damn lame. I suggested that name since the guys said that the particular brown chair in the CO room was our mascot. After ice breakers, we went on an amazing race that wasn't amazing, according to Benedict. Haha! Games included some sucking water from the Girls' toilet using a straw and then transferring it to a bottle in a distance. Well, that was crappy disgusting because the guys wasn't serious and they spat their saliva into the bottle, I think. Lol, don't feel that it's disgusting because guys are. :P What I mean by serious... We get prizes if we win the race. I didn't even know that it was a race. -.- In the end, we were last, duh! We only knew the results the next day. The other games were those lame ones, I guess... :D Anyways, thank you CO committee!

Thursday - Second day of CO camp:
We had xiaozu in the morning and it was very boring because the instructor was like quite pissed. Vanessa wasn't there because she went for Mindchamps and the instructor kept picking on Carrin because she didn't know how to play. After xiaozu, we had lunch. Free lunch! YUMMY ~ Oh well, it was canteen food. -.- I guess the committee is really poor... Hey, mind you, we paid $20!! WTH The point isn't lunch. It is that I got hit by Yun Qi's 低音笙. I was like very innocent. -.- Vanessa came up to get her wallet and she ran past the 低音笙. As the wheels of the 低音笙 was damn small, it couldn't balance and fell on me. Oh no, it crashed/toppled on me. I think I got the attention of the whole CO. Lol. I got a cut on my head and it hurts like a bruise. It still hurts. Do you know how heavy the instrument is? As heavy as me! And it is made of metal. -.- I thought I was gonna die because of Forensics Heroes 1. I watched it and there was this case when someone fell down the escalator... He didn't die. He could still walk, run and eat. But then, he died at night because the blood clot that formed in his brain burst. I thought it was gonna happen to me but fortunately, it didn't. :D Carrin sort of comforted me by saying that she would cry if the whole thing crashed on her. I didn't cry because I was brave. :) Actually, it was nothing. Lol... But it made me worried the whole day. We had Treasure Hunt later. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY LAME!! We had to find straws at different venues. We had to solve some clues before we knew the venue. And when we found the venue, we can only take one of three straws there. We played that for like three hours? We found two out of five straws in the end. -.- After the hunt, it was Gross Factor. I don't know if it is the correct spelling. Anyways, the committee would throw bombs (Flour + Water) down from the second floor and we would have to catch them. Two each. After collecting our bombs, we could throw it at other people. I only got one bomb and I threw it at Benedict. Well, I had fun. :)

I FORGOT SOMETHING!! On the first day of camp, we played another game. It was part of the amazing race. I forgot what it's called. Anyway, that is not the point. The point is that in the middle of the game, this student counsellor called Yu Shui tricked me! She asked what my name was so I said Cheryl. I wasn't supposed to talk in the game so we had to restart the game. I saw her at Singtel when I bought Samsung Jet. Haha, I got out of the point again. I should've have pointed to my name tag! After the game, we said our cheer. Some cheer that we came up with before the game. Here it goes...

NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST WHO'S THE BEST? (The first person would ask the next person Who's The Best? and this continues until the last person and everyone would then shout...)

Lol, I know that this is lame. :P

Friday - Last day of CO camp:
We were scheduled to take CO photographs. But then, the school was flooded. Well, I didn't know that because we were indoors. I don't think it was flooded although when we went for lunch, the grass surrounding the lake was fully submerged. They weren't fully submerged before... Oh, photo taking was cancelled because it was raining heavily and we couldn't walk to the Grand Audi. So we went to one of the Multi Purpose Rooms in the Innosphere to watch a sort of touching video. I heard 青花瓷!! I was freakingly cold because I was sitting right under the air-con. I almost froze. >< After watching the video, it was lunch. SO GOOD FOR A SO CALLED BUFFET!! -.- It wasn't a buffet at all. It was canteen food. Well, committee, you can't fool us. We aren't stupid, okay. It was just fried rice, fried instant noodles, curry chicken, vegetables and fishballs in aluminium foils. The drinks weren't cold too! Lunch was fun though... :D I'm really tired after typing so much but I must continue because I have got lots to say. After lunch, it was boring dazu. Nothing much to say about that. The dismissal after dazu also marked the end of the camp. After camp, I had 6 Joy'09 class gathering!! WHEE ~ Erm, can I talk about it in my next post? With the photographs, I promise! :D

Byebye. I would miss you guys! ♥

Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
1:58 PM

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I have been spamming Serena's wall. YAY :D Oh hi people. ^^ Serena has been spamming my wall too. ♥ And now she is my top fan. Aishiteru Serena! Hehe...

My TOP 8 fans:
1) Serena Tan
2) Low Lixian
3) Fiona Ferillan Ng
4) Osel Pan
5) Tan Ee Jet
6) Hannahh- Ong ت
7) Plann Ing Saw
8) Stanfy CallyouSohai

Congratulations Serena! I love youuu! ♥ :D

Celine helped me with the Twitter design and I simply adore it! It's really nice. ^^ Thank you so much! Hehe.

Suddenly, I love... animes? I shall try watching them. Lol. Claudine is recommending me some. :D

I slacked the whole time today. :( Sigh... Gotta do loads tomorrow but I think I won't. >< Wish me good luck! ^^

Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:34 PM

Just So You Know ♥

Okay, I know that this is random but I can't think of how to start my post. Hi people... I'm bored now. Chatting with Stanfy now but it isn't helping since we have got nothing to talk about. -.- There is this challenge on Facebook that everyone is obsessed with but I'm getting sick of it. >< People are like liking my status like crazy that I can't catch up with them. I liked quite a lot of people's statuses too. Bleh. :P Hmm... This is a great idea because it makes people happy! When people say nice things about you, you feel happy! :D Lol, I know that I'm being random. This is what Serena wrote on my wall:

HELLOOO MA TONG, my BFF! I like you cos you're veryyyy CUTEEE and when im feeling down u cheer me up ILY ♥ u also crack lots of funny jokess :) when u feel sad, talk to MEEE and i will try my best to cheer u up! I HOPE WE CAN CONTINUE TO BE GREAT FRIENDS FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER HAHA. :DDDDDD

Here, I would like to say... I love you too, Serena!! You are forever my best friend! :D I would never forget you and you musn't forget me too! ^^ And yeah, I'm MA TONG!! Hehe. It's a nickname Shi Zhang gave me. -.- Oh yeah, thank you Szeyinggg! You rock too! :)) *yawns* I'm tired... It's almost 1. :P Okay, bye people. :D

Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
12:31 AM

Monday, June 7, 2010

Trust no one but yourself because home is no longer where the heart is. :(

Pathetic right? I know. Currently betrayed and abandoned. I hate my life seriously. Nothing is going right. I don't know why I'm damn freaking strange. Oh well, never mind. I guess I'm normal now. Argh, whatever. I'm making no sense here. Okay, let me tell how miserable I am. Yesterday night, my dad went to play billard with his friends. -.- Isn't that useless? Wasting your sleep time on billard?! I won't do that. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is that I had to sleep at my grandma's house. This time round, I felt quite okay because my mum was there unlike last time but I was wrong. Very wrong. At five in the morning, my dad fetched my mum home but not my sister and I. I woke up at six thirty because my baby cousin was crying for milk. And do you know what happened? My aunt said that my mum was gone. Gone. It was like... I felt betrayed. I bolted up and jumped out of the mattress. I dashed to my aunt's room and realised that my mum wasn't there. I thought that my sister was gone too. I climbed down the stairs and reached the living room. I grabbed the phone and dialled my mum's number. She claimed that she couldn't wake me up. Liar. I wasn't a heavy sleeper. If my mum called me, I would have woken up because I hated my grandma's house. I knew that she didn't put in the effort to wake me up. She could have poured ice right in my face. If I didn't wake up, I... At that moment, tears trickled down my cheeks. Betrayed. BETRAYED. I hated her and everything. I couldn't trust her anymore. She doesn't love me. I know that. I really know that. I ran up to the washroom and cried. I kept crying. When I thought of him, which was very random, I cried even harder. After a while, I stopped and bathed. Six thirty in the morning. But no one cared. They didn't know I bathed anyways. I watched the telly till seven thirty. I felt very tired so I slept. And I slept till ten thirty. My mum still wasn't there. I ate my breakfast which was very pathetic. Leftovers which were meant for me. I grumbled. Then at twelve thirty, my grandma, aunt, two little cousins, sister and I went to the hawker centre nearby and ate. I wasn't hungry. Then, my mum lied again. She said that she was having lunch with us but you know what happened. I feel freakingly pissed. People who really dote on me died. DEAD. I'm tired already. Very tired of everything. I wasted the whole of my morning. I panic really easily but family isn't there to make me feel better. They make me feel worse. Last time, my parents went to their friend's house and left my sister and I there. I thought that they were coming back for us but they didn't. I waited and waited for them. When I met difficulties in doing my homework in P5, who bothered? They just let me worry about my studies. All on my own. I'm sick of my family. Really. I really hate it. I don't like a place where there isn't love. What if I quarrel with my friends? Well, that's worse. No one knows about it. :'( I can't describe it... How I felt. Who was there when I needed care? No one. It's complicated. Both my grandmas only dote on my other cousins... My so called god grandma really loves me but she is dead. She died when I was seven. Why? I guess I can only rely on myself. Ahem, he also doesn't care. And it makes it worse. Hmm, I don't even know if... Never mind. I have decided to give up, didn't I? Yup. :) I'm okay. Really. I feel better after venting my anger. Hehe. :D

Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
10:39 PM

Friday, June 4, 2010


Although I'm quite reluctant to do so, I know that I have to do it. ^^ I must learn from Hannah to numb myself using anime instead of Physics. -.- I did three chapters of Physics today. Well, almost... Three more questions left. I shall do them tomorrow. Really tired but still I'm blogging. O-O I'm hungry... Hey, I want Jay Chou's latest album, The Era!! SIGH I guess I'm right to give up. Hehe. Okay, I'm facing this real positively. FML Do you know what happened just now? I haven't eaten any potato chips and my mum accused me of throwing the wrapper around. ._. Grr... I'm sleepy. Maybe I would blog more about ahem tomorrow. :) Bye!

Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
11:44 PM