Saturday, October 30, 2010
I CAN'T LET GO.Yeah, I'm blasting now so ignore my grammatical errors.
As usual, today was
awesome. I went for CO... (I skipped Drama Night rehearsal.) After that, I went to Sakura with Claudine, Hui Jiung, Jia Hui 12, Shiau Yu and Regine. It's Jia Hui 12's birthday tomorrow... We celebrated it in advance. Yup, happy birthday, Jia Hui 12! You just have to know that it's plain awesome because I don't feel like describing my day. It's boring.
I'm feeling kind of confused now. Okay, I'm not kind of confused but very confused. Well, what I'm going to write later might not make any sense again but let me type. I've been trying my best to forget you by avoiding you. Why must you remind me of everything again? I feel like crying now but I can't. I don't know why. I feel horrible inside now. Why can I do except to bear with it alone? No one is here with me. Okay, I don't know what I'm talking about. Am I pretending to be kind of emo? I don't know. I want to drop the pretend! I don't want to pretend that I don't care about anything. I care. I do. Everyone simply believes what I'm telling them. Nothing much, it's what I've been telling them when they ask why I'm so emo. It isn't the truth. What rubbish am I talking about now? Never mind, I found out the truth. It's hurting. Yeah, the truth. Up till now, you're still giving me false hope. Am I hallucinating? (Wait, should I privatise my blog again? I don't want people to see what I'm writing on my blog.) Perhaps, I've been really naive. No, I'm not. I'm making things so complicated. For your information, today, you got my hopes high again but I guess everything isn't possible. Maybe, if you tell me something I've been waiting to hear now, I wouldn't feel a thing. No, I would be very happy but I know I can't accept it. One day, you might just let go without a warning and allow me to fall on the hard ground. (Wow, I feel that I'm writing a story now.) You aren't someone who fights for what you really want. When it comes, you take it. When it doesn't, you don't do anything to grab it. What am I thinking? It's impossible. I shouldn't think this far. I must be mad. We're just friends. Yeah, friends. My inspiration is gone. What happened?! I was checking Facebook and now I've got nothing to write. Okay, the conclusion is, don't ask why. I must be ruthless for once or I would be the only one standing here in the end. Give me a chance to forget you. I can't back out now because there's no turning back.
Oh, I watched a documentary on trafficking just now on Channel 8. I'm just giving a short introduction. In certain countries, there are many cases of children being sold and girls forced to betray themselves. Why? Are girls this worthless? Why are people taking us for granted and they don't cherish us? Okay, my inspiration is back. There might not be a link but... In the end, everyone's going to hurt you. You just have to find people worth suffering for. I don't want to get hurt. Okay, who wants to? Again, why am I clinging onto that glimpse of hope when I know everything's gone and that I've to give up?! Gosh, I really hate myself. I know that hate is a strong word. Perhaps, I don't hate myself. I just hate how I feel. Yup. I got another conclusion.
If I want to get out of this mess soon, I should ignore his pleas. He doesn't care. I'm just imagining things. It's very easy for me to say all these but it's really hard for me to do it. Really very hard. Sometimes, I just feel like giving up. Maybe, I should just let it fade. Yes, let it fade. Everything would be alright.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this ~I heart the acoustic version of Haunted - Taylor Swift! ♥
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
11:03 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I feel like posting.
BUTI don't feel like talking.
WARNING: WHAT I'M GOING TO SAY MIGHT NOT MAKE ANY SENSE TO YOU.I feel like giving up on you. You're the only reason why I look forward to going to school everyday. It seems to me that I actually mean nothing to you. Well, I can't do anything about it except to feel hurt. Okay, it's not a nice feeling. Hannah recommend me a song. That Girl - David Choi Out of randomness, I listened to it and I cried. Gosh, can you believe this? Why am I crying over nothing? I guess I'm too dramatic. I read so much into things and make them so complicated. Know something? Wait, there might be some grammatical errors as I'm listening to a song now and I can't really concentrate. Okay, I actually think about what's going to happen in future. Yeah, to us. Haha. I'm too naive. Nothing ever lasts. Oh, this thought made me cry. I should just give up. In case you don't know, love fades. It's amazing how some people change within a short period of time.
The message below is dedicated to my awesome friend, Sean.
Sorry, Sean! I just don't feel like talking these few days. I didn't mean to ignore you. Therefore, stop ignoring me! You're someone who encourages me when I feel sad. Well, I didn't change. I didn't change after I became a councillor. I don't feel superior just because I'm a councillor. I'm really really really very very very sorry!
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:20 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2010
When you love someone, you don't give upReally? Maybe. My head wants to let go but my heart just clings onto
that glimpse of hope.
These few days had been really fun! I'd thought that it would be very boring. We prepared for Drama Night! I felt that the Hyper Monsters are really bonded now and I don't want people to leave. Ms Tan talked to us on Friday and I was on the verge of tears. I don't know why. It's not like I'm leaving 1 HM'10, right? I just want everyone to promote to 2 HM'11. Okay, enough of these unhappy things...
Thursday marked the start of our preparation. As I can't attend Drama Night with my fellow councillors, we made props. Talking about props, I'm really pissed off.
DO YOU THINK I REALLY WANT TO BE A PERFECTIONIST?!It's not my fault that I'm born like this! Hmm, I sound like I'm someone with physical disabilities. Okay, I can tell you here that it's 100% not good to strive for perfection.
1. I write too slowly because I mind my handwriting. BIG TIME.
2. I get scolded. (It happened on Friday.)
3. (I can't think of anything right now.)
Note: I can't really write now because I'm too agitated! I'm currently in a debate with Fam Hui Jiung!
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
8:04 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Forget it, I can't find a nice picture. I'd planned to post yesterday but I couldn't find a nice picture. In the end, I was so tired so I went to sleep. Hehe. Anyways, today was
It was raining very heavily in the morning. When I reached school, I went to some classroom. The situation was kinda chaotic and we got our classroom wrong. Eventually, we got to our classroom. One word to describe 4 FG's previous classroom: Dirty. No, it's very dirty. After flag raising, we proceeded to prepare for Drama Night. Actually, we thought that it would be boring but we were sort of wrong. When the rehearsal began, we had fun! As the councillors wouldn't be able to attend Drama Night, we did the props. The others acted and it was very cool! Sigh, the councillors didn't really do much. Especially Tan Li Hao aka Cheesy Chicken. He kept ordering us around like he's the boss and did nothing. We were all doing the props while he watched the others practise. Anyways, the people who acted were funny! Carmen had to call Wei Feng 帅. Lol!
We checked our CA2 and SA2 marks today. It was depressing for me. I didn't improve, I guess. Three people in our class failed Higher Chinese. I'm afraid that they would leave us for LY and MD. I don't want them to leave. Without them, lessons would be dull. 1 HM'10 should unite and go to the teachers as a class. They might be moved by us. I hope so. Is hope for the people who cannot accept reality? I don't know.
Hmm, what happens when two people are in love with each other but they don't know it and they're afraid to confess because they're afraid of rejection? Perhaps, I'm wrong. Oh yeah, love is magic and magic is an illusion. Therefore, love is an illusion. Wow.
This feeling's taking control of me and I can't help it ~
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:49 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Gosh, I don't know how to describe how I feel right now but it's gratitude. I know. Section 2 is
awesome! They make me feel that I really belong. Thanks for all the help you guys have given me.
I went for the debriefs today. One word to describe my EOY results: Screwed. I'm not the least satisfied. Especially for Math. I failed myself. The others were okay but still not that well done. At least, I'm not going to get kicked out of Chung Cheng or be transferred to a Chinese class. I'm happy. Alright, enough of the debriefs.
I watched 小兵迎大将 and it was
awesome. 7号! He rocks. He's
awesome and cute.
OH (x17) MY GOD, HE'S COOL!He's in Primary Five this year and he totally defeated the three adults. Aww. Although he wasn't from my school, I cheered when he won.
Oh yeah, something epic happened this afternoon. I bought an anti-radiation sticker from Jac's blog shop and do you know what happened? I tried to stick it on my phone and it slipped out of my fingers. It landed "perfectly" on my calculator.
Note: Quotation marks. I took a picture of it... I don't know what's wrong with Blogger. I can't upload photos.
Argh, he's really an idiot. He doesn't know that I'm talking about him. Forget it then. Let everything be forgotten, including me.
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well ~
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
11:04 PM

Monday, October 18, 2010
Gosh, I had a wonderful day today!
I met Kelvin in the train when he boarded at Paya Lebar. Oh, we were supposed to meet at Dakota. When we reached Dakota, we only saw Wei Feng and Clement. Wei Feng was playing his PSP and Clement was watching. I don't know what Kelvin called Wei Feng but it was something funny. Gradually, more people came. As usual, Carmen and Zhen Qi were late. In the end, they decided to meet us at ECP. We took the train to Paya Lebar and then took 135 to Marine Parade. We alighted somewhere and walked super far to ECP. Finally, we reached. We went to McDonalds for brunch. As I'd eaten pizza in the morning (Yum!), I didn't eat anything there. I just bought chocolate milkshake. It was five minutes to eleven then and Xuanyu waited for lunch.
*The photograph of Wei Feng playing his PSP is taking too long to upload. I can't wait.After lunch, we went to the beach. Some people... Well, almost everybody rented bicycles. Jia Hui 12, Shiau Yu, Clement and I played at the beach because we didn't want to ride. Okay, Shiau Yu and Clement didn't know how to. Later, after playing with sand, I'd the urge to ride. I rented a bicycle and planned to catch up with the others. I rode to somewhere but I couldn't find them. Then, I rode back. I called Kelvin and he told me that they were somewhere called Water Ski? I tried to locate them but I couldn't so I went back to Jia Hui 12 again. She then rented a bicycle and accompanied me to find them. Gosh, we rode for a longlonglong time. Finally, we couldn't stand it and Jia Hui 12 called Kelvin again. He told us that they were riding very slowly to Bedok Jetty. We began to ride again. On our way to Bedok Jetty, Jia Hui 12 and I talked a lot. When we reached, they were at Changi Airport! Gosh! We had no choice and continued to ride. We passed by where Chung Cheng had its cross country. I was real thirsty and I kept shrieking, "我要喝Sprite!" Lol! Then, we reached a sailing centre? Jia Hui 12 and I caught sight of a black creature, not Li Hao. It was very disgusting, alright? I freaked out. According to Mummy, it's an e... (I don't know how to spell it and I don't want to google it. I'm afraid to see it again.) We decided that we went the wrong way as we reached a dead end. We headed back and called Quek Xue. She told us that she was looking for Kelvin. I can't remember what happened next. We just rode to somewhere. We saw Zhong Nuo, then Wei Feng, and then the others. Gosh, I was very tired. Everyone's bicycles were due and we
CHIONGED back. (Sorry that I used hokkien! Well, who cares? It's
my blog!) We rode for super long... I didn't know that Kelvin could ride so fast. Ronald too. We bought 100 Plus at a store. It cost us $1.80! Okay, I don't want to describe the whole journey back. It was just ride, ride and more ride! My neck hurts now.
When I reached, I returned the bicycle. I was on the dot! So lucky. We played at the beach and people buried me. Haha! Claudine took a picture but I decided that it was unglam and told her to delete it. At around three, we went to McDonalds to wash up and headed home. I took 196 with Claudine, Shiau Yu, Xuanyu and Zhen Qi. We reached Parkway Parade and alighted. We took 135... Anyway, I managed to get home. I had a nap and woke up with aches. I had an
awesome day, right? Yeah! I heart 18/10/10!
Gosh, I'm getting back my results tomorrow. I'm scared. I don't want to fail. I know I would. Bless me.
I can't breathe without you but I have to ~
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:21 PM

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Eeyore's having mood swings right now. Again. I was feeling so hyper just now.
Oh yeah,
finallyfinallyfinally over! I'd wanted to do so many things before the exams. Now that the exams are over, I feel bored. Wow, typical students.
I'm listening to Perfect - Hedley while watching 爱。
Sigh, sometimes, I wish that reality isn't what it seems to be. Cruel. Okay, I don't know what I'm typing.
I can't stand hypocrites! I don't give a damn even if you're my best friend. You pretend to be her friend but gossip behind her back. Hurt. It's how she's going to feel. She would feel even worse when you aren't the one telling her all these but someone else. Do you enjoy doing this? Duh, you're not the one getting hurt afterall. I've had enough of you! You've been doing this again and again. I know it because I got hurt before. Yeah, by you. I don't think you know that I'm talking about you because you never visit my blog. It doesn't matter because you don't have to know. One day, you would understand how it hurts when all your friends hurt you by talking behind your back. You two are sure evil! When you critisise other people, you should reflect on yourself. You aren't great. Nobody is. You don't have to rights to hurt someone who treats you like a true friend. Well, I've friends way better than you. At least, they don't hurt me like you do. People get hurt by your words, especially when you tell them off straight in their face. Nobody is perfect. So what if you think that you're a leader? I can learn to be one but I would never be as proud as you. I really hate how you think that you're always right. It disgusts me, alright? Stop talking behind people's back! You aren't a true friend.
Haha, I'm really touched by Serena baby! She cherishes me as a friend unlike some people. Okay, I wasn't trying to put them down. I just wanted to vent my frustrations. I really had enough of how you pretend. It's disgusting. Oh, you might dislike what your friend does but do you have to go around telling other people that you dislike her? Nobody cares. Argh, I should just stop. It's getting on my nerves. I really miss Serena baby! We must really meet up someday and do retarded things. Yay!
I haven't seen him for quite some time and now I'm missing him. Gosh, I can't believe this. Why am I missing someone who is so heartless? Haha, I must be mad. I've been the one taking the initiative but nothing comes out of it. I don't think there would be an ending as we're still young. I don't really like how everything changes in me. He changed too. Wow, probably loads more than me. I hope he does something to change everything.
When you've got nowhere to run and you've got nothing inside ~
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:14 PM