Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sorry, I'm feeling real negative today. :( I don't know what I can say but life is very screwed up for me. School work, CO and SC. They're driving me up the wall. I really want to study a lot 'cause I like it. :) I don't get the time though! Time. I really need time. CO, SYF is coming... Six more days to Rehearsal and I'm dreading it. :/ I can't memorise the scores! Every time, I want to stay back and practise, something crops up. SC. It's not about the points anymore. It's the responsibilities and everything. After I had taken up the role of being a student councillor, I had less time for my friends but I don't mind. I'm willing to sacrifice my time for SC but... Everything is going against me. It's me, I know, but I can't help it! Not only must we maintain our grooming which I don't really bother 'bout 'cause I don't wear ankle socks and things like that, we've lots of responsibilities. I'm more than happy to do what I've to but sometimes things that happen just discourages me. I hope that it's okay since SHINee would always be with me. ♥
Many things have been going on. Sigh, my life is hectic and I really can't stand it. Even if I can't, I have to. It's a must, you see. Imagine how life would be in upper secondary. I know I'm groaning and moaning a lot but I simply want to vent my frustrations. You know something, I have this sudden interest in Math and Science and that's totally awesome! :D I really need to be passionate 'bout them since I'm not that good. ><
href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PhM6aQu-Mc"? Hehehe! Click on it to find out more! :D Wait, I think I'm kind of desperate. I also want the three years in Chung Cheng to pass quickly. D: I'm desperate 'cause I keep thinking about... I don't know how to describe this but I think about guys being nice to girls. (Y) Aww, how sweet. :) It's not the time to think about this, I know. It's just a fantasy, no worries. Okay...

Oh yeah, I'm addicted to Onew's voice in One Year Later. I don't seem to get sick of it. ;) Yeah, how can someone be so adorable, cute, funny and everything?! ♥ Still, SHINee is awesome! Leader Onew, Bling Bling Jonghyun, Almighty Key, Flaming Charisma Minho and Maknae Taemin! ^^
Cheryl ♥ Agent Eeyore
9:38 PM